Creatively Naughty
Sometimes it's fun to get creatively naughty with food.
Life is too short to not enjoy and savor every morsel.
Theme for 2023:
What Are You Cooking Up?
Contest Runs: January 1st through November 1st
Welcome to the funnest (yes, I know that funnest is technically not a word, but when is eating a cinnamon roll sexy?) creatively naughty contest on the web.
Contest Opens January 1st.
Judging/Voting: November 1st to November 30th.
Prize Announced/Awarded: December 1st.
Early submissions will not be accepted. Well, they will be accepted, just not eligible for that season's competition.
The winner receives $25, a page of fame on the website and Twitter shout-outs!
Contest Rules
1. One (1) entry per person, per month. You can have up to 3 entries.
2. You must post the contest to two (2) social media sites. You must provide links to postings. Liking and Retweeting on Twitter counts!!
3. You must have a valid email.
4. It would be nice if you had a Twitter account, but it isn't required.
5. You may post via a pen name, but must provide a real name for payment purposes. Names will only be posted by first name and last initial or pen name.
6. If your entry didn't make it one year, don't resubmit it, rework it. Try it from a different angle.
7. There is no cost, except your time and creatively naughty thoughts, to participate in this contest.
1. Entries must be 500 words or less.
2. No profanity.
3. No vulgar terms for body parts.
4. No actual sex in the scene. See the wonderfully creatively naughty Winners page.
5. All submissions remain the property of those who submitted them. If we ever compile them and create a book, we will contact you to see if you would like to be included. I'm thinking Getting "Sexy With Food" Nightstand Edition: Creatively Naughty Bedtime Stories.
1. Contest runs from January 1st through November 1st. A total of three (3) entries can be submitted. Entries will not be accepted after November 1st.
2. All entries will go through initial voting to determine the top entries five (5) until November 15th. The top 5 entries will be voted until November 30th.
3. The entry with the most votes will win $25, payable via PAYPAL. You must be able to accept the award via PAYPAL.
4. Only one vote per VALID email will count. Friends and family may all vote for your entry!
5. Winners will be announced and featured on the front page of the website and my Twitter feed.
Contact us by using this handy-dandy form.
PLEASE NOTE: I am not trying to sell you anything, seduce you into buying anything, strip you of any sort of dignity, I just want to read stuff to make my husband blush...and who doesn't like something creatively naughty?
Will you become rich and famous because of your entry? Who knows, but you just might win $25!
Can I guarantee you anything? Nope. But this should be a lot of fun, so get writing already. I see you staring at that pineapple...
Who Am I?
To be honest, I'm a wife and mom of 5 kids. I write stories for kids and I have a creatively naughty side. I thought, if I have a creatively naughty side, I bet so do others, so let's create a place for people to express it!
You can find me on Twitter @kelleymlikes
Check out my Many Hats:
Creams for your entire body...including your nether regions. Likes Skincare
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